Visit General Patton’s Grave in Luxembourg
To visit General Patton’s grave, you must travel to Luxembourg. There you will find his simple and unassuming gravesite, alongside his soldiers.
To visit General Patton’s grave, you must travel to Luxembourg. There you will find his simple and unassuming gravesite, alongside his soldiers.
There are so many amazing things to do in Poznan, Poland’s first capital! From the cathedral to the Palm House, to the Lego Museum, and Poznan’s famous goat clock you’ll fall in love with the city!
Discover the National Museum in Poznan featuring amazing Polish artists, and other surprises like Monet and Botticelli!
Who were the ‘Sons of Bitche France?’ Bitche France (pronounced sort of like beetch, but close enough) hides some tremendous World War II history. In particular, there’s one really epic ‘then and now’ photo op. I saw this iconic photo (below left) and knew I wanted to go to Bitche … Read More